WeChat for macOS

WeChat for Mac update allows users to see their friends' status updates

WeChat has updated its latest version of WeChat for Mac on Friday, allowing users to see what their friends are posting from their mac computers.

WeChat for macOS gets version 2.4.1 update, supports group audio and video

WeChat for macOS gets version 2.4.1 update, which is the first time WeChat for macOS version 2.3 has made it to version 2.4 after more than two years.

WeChat for macOS gets updated to allow users to manage chat files

WeChat for macOS recently received the 2.3.30 version update, added a chat file panel, which can view and manage all chat files, and fixed some known issues.

WeChat for macOS gets update with added support for mini-programs

The WeChat for macOS got the beta update, which supports opening mini-programs in chat windows, and debugging functions for mini-programs.